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Wicked Games: Crafting a brand that breaks the iGaming mold


Wicked Games: Redefining iGaming with a Bold Brand Identity

Gambling is one of the oldest forms of entertainment, and it should come as no surprise that the digital gambling space is increasingly competitive.

Unfortunately, it is also saturated with providers offering the same 3x5 or 4x5 slot formats with minor variations in mechanics.

There is no brand focus, making it virtually impossible to distinguish between iGaming companies. This doesn’t just hurt B2C operations but, more importantly, the B2B side as well.

Enter Wicked Games, a new contender in the market. A player with a deep desire to stand out and truly be the wicked black sheep of the industry. They understood that to grab the attention of casino managers and get their games on platforms, they had to break the mould and be armed with a strong verbal, visual and behavioural brand identity.

Simply mimicking what already exists wouldn't cut it…this is the story of how Factory 39 created a wicked brand out of a wicked idea.
  • Brand Audit
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Architecture
  • Tone of Voice
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Event Design
  • Animation Design
  • Website Creation
  • Copywriting
  • Stationery Design
WiCKED Games


How do you stand out in a loud, undifferentiated, and saturated industry? How do you finely balance wickedness with trustworthiness? How do you convince an industry flooded with similar offerings that Wicked Games are the next big thing and not just another lookalike?

You flip the script: Brand first, slot games developer later.

This doesn't mean going back to the same 3x5 or 4x5 slot and changing colors; it means developing a holistic narrative that merges online, offline, in-game, and out-of-game experiences into a cohesive brand story. It's about creating an ecosystem where every touchpoint reinforces the brand’s identity, making it unforgettable and impossible to ignore in a crowded market.

THE WORKSHOP: The beginning of the beginning…

Great businesses need even greater brands, like a rocket needs its boosters…and we are pretty damn good with (brand) rockets at the Factory.

But to launch to new heights, everyone from the ground crew to the mission commander has to be on the same page.

We kicked off by aligning the entire Wicked Games team with a three-day brand strategy workshop in Limassol, bringing in key players from across Europe. And let’s be honest—there aren’t many better places than Limassol in the spring for getting some serious strategy work done…and some less serious beers by the beach after.

We always involve all the key stakeholders, because
How well a brand is understood externally, depends on how well it is understood internally.

THE SOLUTION: Simple games powered by a brand with the balls to be different.

The new brand platform of Wicked Games lays the foundation for a proposition that extends far beyond slot games, directly into the minds of customers. It delivers simple entertainment that remains memorable due to a visual and verbal identity that is impossible to ignore or forget.

In an industry where everyone is zagging, Wicked Games Brand is a zigger…unapologetically so.

THE BRAND IDENTITY: Breaking the rules and shooting WTF moments.

Each project brings its own excitement, but this one allowed us to really step outside the usual boundaries and try something different…or should we say darn right weird.

With this project, we had the ideal brand strategy platform to build on, enabling us to create a brand that leaves a lasting impression, turns a few heads, and truly stands out.

For the logo, we used not one, not two, not three, not four but seven different fonts…something unheard of and a big punch in the face to classic graphic design rules. Why? Because THAT’S WICKED OFC!

The same rebellious attitude was then applied to the visual, motion and verbal assets.

The creative brief was simple: generate as many WTF moments as possible.

Wicked… inside out!